Taking Your Co-Working Sessions to the Next Level

I enjoy hosting co-working sessions. Pre-pandemic I used to just go to a coffee shop and invite people to join me. Now, trying to limit exposure to strangers, I’m having working sessions at my apartment.

These working sessions are gatherings intended for people to independently work on hobbies, side projects, work, homework, future startups, catching up on emails, reading, whatever. Having other people around can make working more fun and make it easier to stay focused.

This is a list of ideas about how to take these co-working sessions to the next level.

  1. External monitors
  2. Cords and cables for charging
  3. Food prepared in advance
  4. Go Note Gos everywhere
  5. Pomodoro timers
  6. Time for people to declare what they’re working on
  7. Dedicated time for chitchat
  8. A firm stance on allowing people to get to work if chitchat lingers more than several minutes outside of a planned time.
  9. Add a shared chat room for people to send non-interrupting messages to the whole group. Useful for coordinating going out for lunch taking breaks etc.
  10. Clear policy on inviting others
  11. Adequate comfortable space for everyone, including spaces just move around and switch positions
  12. Learn to make coffee.

Let’s do some taxonomizing!

Some of these ideas are about providing technology:

  • External monitors
  • Cords and cables
  • Go Note Gos everywhere
  • Chat room for non-interrupting messages

Some are about providing nutrition:

  • Food prepared in advance
  • Learn to make coffee.

Some are about establishing social norms:

  • Pomodoro timers
  • Time for people to declare what they’re working on
  • Dedicated time for chitchat
  • A firm stance on allowing people to get to work
  • Chat room for non-interrupting messages
  • Clear policy on inviting others

Some are about making people comfortable:

  • Adequate comfortable space for everyone
  • Both the food ones
  • External monitors and Cords and cables

I’m not sold these are all good ideas (e.g. pomodoro timers can be disruptive, and I considered putting light music on the list but decided against it), but I think that by implementing several of these ideas I can make my working sessions a little more welcoming and enjoyable for all involved.

Additional ideas:

  • Inviting people in advance
  • Having about 6 people in total
  • Inviting people around a theme
  • Sharing updates at the end
  • Planning a working session in conjunction with another activity like a hike or dinner

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