Pursue Your Dreams

pyd-swyt; cf-bh-din.

I’ve written about pyd (pursuing your dreams) before. Or at least I’ve tried; I think it came out as being more about bh (being happy).

So, today, in this snippet, I will try once more to explore the idea of pursuing my dreams. What does it mean to me to pursue my dreams?

Rereading the existing pyd snippet, everything in there still rings true. I think it’s a fabulous description of what makes me happy. I was initially embarassed by it, but I’ve come to like it over time. However, my dreams go beyond my happiness. Let’s explore that.

I dream of a future where people can do a full day’s software engineer work without looking at a screen. In this future, people are more in control of their own attention.

I dream of a world where my family and friends (and theirs as well, etc!) can live healthy happy lives for a thousand years. In this world, our memories are robust and precious.

I dream that I can take the music in my head and bring it into the world. That the music in my head be sound (and that the sounds in my head be music!).

I dream of growing a family that I love and treasure with a woman I love. Of enjoying this ride with them until I am very old.

I dream of being part of a rich community of people who are often eager to collaborate to bring our silly side projects to life. We take our silly ideas seriously.

I dream of learning meaningfully from my peers (and vice versa) all throughout my life. May there never be a shortage of known unknowns.

I dream of a thousand snowfalls and ten thousand sunrises, all around the world.

I dream that access to life’s basic needs, food, water, shelter, love and affection, internet access, a quality education, books, and friendship are so taken for granted that… new levels of our hierarchy of needs become recognized as the base 🤷. I dream of a world where everyone feels truly heard.

I dream of experiencing the feeling of learning to program for the first time not just once more, but over and over again (and not because I forget how to program!).

These are good. Let’s keep brainstorming. We can whittle away at them into something more pithy later. So far these dreams center around technological progress (screenless tech, longevity, meeting people’s needs), personal growth (the music one, peer learning, the feeling of learning to program), connection (longevity, growing a family, the collaborative community, everyone feeling heard), adventure (snowfalls and sunrises, growing a family). Most of the dreams are me-centric, whereas only a couple are substantially altruistic (longevity and meeting people’s needs). As I continue to ponder my dreams, I might think more along the lines of altruism; I might also think further around what skills and experiences I want, what legacy I wish to leave, or how I want to live my life.

Then, the next aspect of this I wish to write about is how to actively pursue my dreams. The first step of course is identifying them. And I’ve now begun that step. But pursuing them is required for pyd, and that is where the real adventure begins.

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